Sexual Orientation and Discrimination In The Workplace
I have been asked over the last few days whether there is sexual orientation discrimination protection for employees and restaurant workers. The answer is yes and and no. It all depends in which municipality you work in.
Miami-Dade County does offer sexual orientation discrimination protection. This means that, in my opinion, an employer can NOT fire an employee because he/she is gay, heterosexual, or bi-sexual.
City of Miami does not even list a Citizens Bill of Rights in their municipal code of ordinances. This means that they adopt Miami-Dade County's stand on the issue which means the answer is YES, there is protection against sexual orientation discrimination in the City of Miami.
City of Miami Beach does offer protection in their own city ordinances against discrimination based on sexual orientation. Finally a "city" which has recognized the full intent of the United States Constitution. How long will it take all of the other municipalities to come to the same logical conclusion and pass their own ordinances? Although all of the municipalities in Miami-Dade County MUST follow the county charter, it would be nice if they were to attention to the issue in their own laws.
If you have any questions about other Florida cities and municipalities, please email me and I will do the research for you and give you the results.
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